

Analysis of the peak-to-peak output currentripple amplitude for multiphase and multilevel inverters is presented anddiscussed in this PhD thesis. The current ripple is calculated on the basis ofthe alternating voltage component, and peak-to-peak value is defined by thecurrent slopes and application times of the voltage levels in a switchingperiod. Detailed analytical expressions of peak-to-peak current rippledistribution over a fundamental period are given as function of the modulationindex. For all the cases, reference is made to centered and symmetrical switchingpatterns, generated either by carrier-based or space vector PWM. By this PWMstrategy, the dc bus utilization is maximized in a simple and effective way,and a nearly-optimal modulation is obtained to minimize the current ripple RMS.Starting from the definition and the analysis of the output current ripple inthree-phase two-level inverters, the theoretical developments have beenextended to the case of multiphase inverters, with emphasis on the five- andseven-phase inverters. The instantaneous current ripple is introduced for ageneric balanced multiphase loads consisting of series RL impedance and ac backemf (RLE). Simplified and effective expressions to account for the maximum ofthe output current ripple have been defined. The peak-to-peak current ripplediagrams are presented and discussed. Both simulation and experimental resultsare carried out to prove the validity of the analytical developments. Theanalysis of the output current ripple has been extended also to multilevelinverters, specifically three-phase three-level inverters. The optimalmodulation has been identified with reference to current ripple RMS minimization,as in the previous cases. Also in this case, the current ripple analysis iscarried out for a balanced three-phase system consisting of series RL impedanceand ac back emf (RLE), representing both motor loads and gridconnectedapplications. The peak-to-peak current ripple diagrams are presented anddiscussed. In addition, simulation and experimental results are carried out toprove the validity of the analytical developments. The cases with differentphase numbers and with different number of levels are compared among them, andsome useful conclusions have been pointed out. Furthermore, some applicationexamples are given.

1. 引言2. 三相二电平VSIs电流纹波分析3. 多相VSIs输出电流纹波分析4. 多电平VSIs输出电流纹波分析5. 峰峰值电流纹波比较6. 应用实例7. 结论与未来工作展望

